Institutional Partners
The data for Kitmap was collected from the seven CRIs, plus Callaghan Innovation and NeSI, hereafter referred to collectively as the institutions. The information was gathered through a survey consisting of a spreadsheet with over 100 fields to be completed. The Kitmap team gratefully acknowledges the significant effort from the institutions in compiling detailed information about their infrastructure for this project.
AgResearch leads agri-based science innovation in Aotearoa. AgResearch has broad specialities including seeds, pest control, high value foods and farming systems. It undertakes research ranging from small rural projects up to large international research projects, all with the intention of benefitting Aotearoa’s agricultural sector.
Callaghan Innovation is Aotearoa’s innovation agency that provides services to support research and development (R&D) by Aotearoa businesses. Within its services, Callaghan Innovation offers access to experts, technology and product development, and R&D funding.
ESR is New Zealand's public research organisation dedicated to enhancing the health, wellbeing and safety of communities. ESR uses world-leading science to monitor disease, test food and products, safeguard water, support the justice system and more. By joining forces with experts and iwi, ESR are tackling critical issues to achieve a better Aotearoa for all.
GNS is Aotearoa’s lead agency in earth, geoscience and isotope research and consultancy services. GNS provides key capabilities for Aotearoa, including around-the-clock monitoring of natural geohazards (earthquakes, tsunami, volcanoes, landslides) through the National Geohazards Monitoring Centre/ Te Puna Mōrearea I te Rū (NGMC).
Manaaki Whenua is the lead research organisation in Aotearoa for land environment and biodiversity. Its multidisciplinary teams work across the following priority areas: biota, characterising land resources, climate change adaption and mitigation, managing land and water, plant biodiversity and biosecurity, society culture and policy, and wildlife management and conservation ecology.
NIWA is the lead agency in the areas of aquatic resources and environments (with a focus on surface freshwaters and coastal environments), oceans, freshwater and marine fisheries, aquaculture, climate and atmosphere, climate and weather hazards, aquatic and atmospheric-based energy resources, aquatic biodiversity (including biosystematics) and biosecurity.
NeSI is a virtual platform but has physical collaborator institutions (Universities of Auckland and Otago, and CRIs NIWA and Manaaki Whenua). NeSI is Aotearoa’s national platform for eScience, supporting our High-Performance Computing (HPC) and eResearch capabilities, supporting national science priorities by providing access to HPC and data infrastructure and related skills for researchers.
PFR has the role of looking at the whole food system “from field or sea to plate”, focusing on creating healthy and nutritious foods. The broad research areas of PFR include future plants, fish and food, sustainable, resilient food supply, and blue-sky research. PFR’s sectors are arable crops (grains and cereals etc.), berryfruit, food & ingredients, seafood, technologies, tree crops, vegetables and vine crops.
Scion specialises in research, science and technology development for the forestry, wood product, wood-derived materials, and other biomaterial sectors. Scion works across the whole forestry value chain from forest genetics to manufactured products from trees. It is the leading CRI in sustainable forest management and tree improvement, forestry biosecurity, risk management and mitigation, wood processing, wood-related bioenergy, waste streams and other biomaterials, and forestry and forestry-based ecosystem services to inform landuse decision making.
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