Empowering New Zealand's Science Reform

Co-developed and designed by Callaghan Innovation and MBIE, Kitmap represents a collaborative effort to streamline access to research resources and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration in New Zealand's R&D ecosystem.

MBIE’s Research Report

Kitmap Portfolio

The infrastructure portfolio across the institutions is characterised by large numbers of laboratories, each housing a variety of equipment and resources.

The remainder of the infrastructure portfolio is composed mainly of field sites, physical and digital collections, computational resources, and networks of sensors for monitoring the natural environment.

Research vessels make up only a small proportion of the research infrastructure portfolio, though these are in high demand and enable a variety of fields of research.

The largest fields of research enabled by research infrastructures are those supporting the agricultural and primary sectors and across the earth and environmental sciences, which is in line with the core purposes of the institutions surveyed.

Infrastructure Types

  • Laboratory
    Conventional laboratory rooms/buildings
  • Field Site
    Physical Spaces used for research activities which are not conventional scientific laboratories (not only sites at which field work is carried out)
  • Livestock Facilities
    Physical spaces for rearing, containing, or conducting research with livestock (including farm animals, fish, and insects)
  • Vessel
    Ships or boats which are equipped to enable research to be conducted at sea
  • Digital Collection
    Online databases and digital archives
  • Computing
    Physical computing hardware and/or virtual spaces and networks
  • Workshop
    Physical spaces which support research activities through fabrication/maintenance of research equipment
  • Other
    Infrastructures whose main designation/purpose does not match the previous categories
  • Sample Collection
    Collection of physical specimens
  • Monitoring
    Sets or networks of monitoring equipment
  • Pilot Plant
    Production facilities which enable trials of new production technologies or products on a pre-commercial scale


The Kitmap data dictionary considered information from the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF5) and classifications of research infrastructure from the MERIL and Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services (CatRIS6) projects. The Kitmap survey which was used to form the foundation of the online tool, used a three-layer data model to categorise holdings within each institution, comprising platforms, infrastructures and resources. These are defined as follows:

  • Platform
    A collection of one or more infrastructures, with a shared strategic purpose or shared governance, colocation or another unifying feature (refers to groups of infrastructures and not SSIF platforms).
  • Resource
    A significant scientific instrument, collection, or a piece of equipment used or maintained as a single entity. The survey set a threshold value for significant equipment of $150k by agreement with the institutions.
  • Institution
    Government organisations make up a significant portion of external users of research infrastructure across the CRI’s, Callaghan Innovation and NeSI, including government agencies and the Crown Research institutes, which make up the largest grouping and degree of cooperation within Kitmap data.
  • Infrastructure
    An individual laboratory/facility, eg a field site, specialised laboratory or set of equipment.
  • ANZSRC Codes
    The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is the collective name for a set of three related classifications developed for use in the measurement and analysis of research and experimental development (R&D) undertaken in Australia and New Zealand. Find more information here.

Optimising your search

The keyword search and filters on our Equipment and Infrastructure Directory can be used alone or in combination. A keyword search offers the most efficient method for finding terms related to research capabilities, infrastructure, equipment, functionality, fields of research, regions, or other specific criteria not covered by the filters. When combining keywords with filters, begin by entering your keyword(s) into the search bar and clicking “Search.”  Once your keyword search is complete, you can further refine your results by selecting one or more filters or drop down menus to narrow down by region, institution, or field of research. Additionally, you have the flexibility to choose multiple items within each filter category.

  • Abbreviations and ANZSRC Codes
    Utilize widely known abbreviations, acronyms and brand names, as well as ANZSRC codes to enhance your search efficiency. 
  • ANZSRC Codes
    The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) is the collective name for a set of three related classifications developed for use in the measurement and analysis of research and experimental development (R&D) undertaken in Australia and New Zealand. Find more information here.
  • Keywords
    Consider incorporating technical terminology alongside business-oriented keywords to pinpoint the service or resource you require
  • Resource
    Extend your search geographically to include other regions or institutions. In some cases, you won’t need to travel to the facility in person to take advantage of their services. 

General Kitmap Questions

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